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Author Frequently Asked Questions 

Malice Domestic is unique in the mystery conference world, as a convention of both fans and authors. Attending authors have multiple opportunities to interact with their readers, in addition to the usual conference programming. More information for attending authors is below.



You sent me a link to the Author Information Form. How are those forms used?

The Author Information Form is critical to our programming committee’s efforts to put together the best panels possible. Please fill out the form as early as you can, to assist us in finalizing the program and panels. Please be especially clear about whether you are a new author, the date of your last publication, and any particular area you focus in that might lend itself to a panel. We also want your ideas, and the form has a field for suggestions on panel topics. We’ve used ideas from the form in the past, and we hope you will continue to share them.


How do I get on a panel?

While author panels are a major feature of Malice, not all authors will receive a panel assignment. The number of authors simply exceeds the number of panel spots. Preference will be given to authors with a book out in the past year. Authors who do not receive a panel assignment will be given priority for the limited spots at Malice Go-Round (see FAQ, below). And, of course, informal interaction among authors and fans is part of what makes Malice special.


I got a panel assignment, but I’d prefer a different day or time

Panels will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. In other words, not all panels will be on Saturday. If you receive a panel assignment, but do not want a panel on that day or time, please let us know immediately, so that we may offer your spot to another author.


If I can’t get on a panel, can I volunteer to moderate?

If you are interested in moderating a panel, please indicate that on your Author Information Form. While we can’t guarantee a moderator assignment, knowing of your willingness to moderate is helpful in planning the program.


I love Malice Go-Round! But there are limited spots. How do I get in?

If you received one of the limited panel assignments, that is your main programming opportunity. Preference for Malice Go-Round will be given to authors who did not receive a panel assignment. We will also have a waitlist in case a Malice Go-Round author is unable to attend.


How do I find out when my signing time is?

You will be notified by the programming committee.  All efforts are made to ensure signing times are close to the time of your panel.  


There is already a link to "Add Bio" on the Author Portal. What's the difference?

The Author Bio and Pic form is used for the printed program book distributed at Malice Domestic. This is the keepsake every attendee receives at registration when they arrive. While some of the questions are the same, the bio form follows the format used in the keepsake program and requires minimal editing. 


Please note: All information on the Author Bio and Pic form should use standard spelling and grammar, as well as upper and lower case letters for your name, your books, etc.

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