About Us
Established in 1989, Malice Domestic is an annual fan convention that takes place each year in Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. Malice celebrates the Traditional Mystery, books best typified by the works of Agatha Christie. The genre is loosely defined as mysteries which contain no explicit sex, or excessive gore or violence.
​Malice Domestic Ltd. is a non-profit corporation 501(c)(3) with tax-exempt status, was incorporated in 1992, and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Malice Domestic name and logo are trademarked.
Malice Domestic is a crime fiction fan convention aimed at celebrating all aspects of the traditional mystery. As such, Malice Domestic is dedicated to making sure the convention is a safe environment for all fans regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, body type, disability, or any other legally protected categories not specified. Everyone is welcome; however, Malice Domestic will not tolerate any type of discrimination or abuse by attendees of the annual convention (including, but not limited to, authors, fans, dealers, and sponsors) toward any individuals or groups.
Throughout the years, Malice has often been informally described as a “family reunion,” a moniker the Malice Board of Directors (“Board”) and attendees have proudly perpetuated and celebrated. However, to ensure that Malice remains an inclusive, diverse, safe, and welcoming community, the Board must periodically review its existing policies, issue policy reminders, and bring community awareness to concerns or issues requiring updates to Malice policies. In 2023, the Malice Board updated its Code of Conduct to convey that discrimination, harassment, or abuse of any type, including but not limited to microaggressions, will not be tolerated by attendees of the annual convention (including, but not limited to, authors, fans, dealers, and sponsors).
The term “microaggression” was coined in the 1970s by Harvard psychiatrist Chester Pierce. However, the Women’s Mental & Neurological Health organization more recently defined microaggression as: “A comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group.” The Malice Board is taking numerous and varied steps to address prevent normalization of microaggressions within the Malice community and culture. To maintain an inclusive, diverse, safe, and welcoming culture, everyone within the community must learn to recognize and constructively address microaggressions, discrimination, harassment, or abuse of any type.
Any attendee targeted by any type of abuse can have an immediate discussion with a Malice Board member, send an email to MaliceDomesticInfo@gmail.com and/or contact conference center security or the police. To alleviate the unfair burden on the targeted attendee, bystanders and allies are also encouraged to constructively address the issue and report the incident to a Malice Board member.