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Malice Domestic 19:
Anthology Submissions

The Deadline to Submit Your Story
for Consideration is July 31, 2024

Mystery Most

Presented by
Donna Andrews

Hu·mor·ous - adjective - causing lighthearted laughter and amusement; comic


  1. Stories should a maximum of 5,000 words in length

  2. Submission Deadline is July 31, 2024

  3. Stories should have no Author identifying infomation

  4.  Stories must feature humorous elements

  5. Stories cannot be previously published

  6.  Stories must be Traditional Mysteries

(no graphic sex or violence, please)

~ Story Selections will be made in the fall of 2024
~ Submissions will be judged blindly by a panel of readers
~ Publication Date will be April 2025

~We will only provide editorial feedback to writers whose stories are accepted for publication, subject to revision.



De-vi-ous - adjective - showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals

Malice Domestic is proud to announce the short story authors chosen for the 18th Malice Domestic anthology titled Mystery Most Devious. Malice Domestic and Wildside Press have partnered again to produce another of its award-winning series of ‘Most’ anthologies.


As always, Malice 36 will hold an anthology signing. Royalties benefit the Doris Ann Norris Malice Domestic Angels Program, a charity that has raised thousands of dollars to help those in the Malice Domestic community who need financial assistance to attend the convention.


Our editors are John Betancourt, Michael Bracken, and Carla Coupe. 

The following were selected


Stories by


Susan Love Brown

Jackie McMahon

Mary Adler

Leone Ciporin

Sue Anger

Sarah Stephens

P.A. De Voe

Roberta Gibson

Jill K. Quinn

Jennifer Slee

Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier

Joslyn Chase

Christine Eskilson

Linda Norlander

Smita Harish Jain

Hope Hodgkins

Josh Pachter

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